Guided Meditation on Joy: Mermaid Fountain
In this guided meditation on joy, your child will visit a peaceful and uplifting mermaid fountain, using just their imagination.
When you read these scripts aloud to your child, you can help them decrease anxiety, improve self-esteem, and develop a positive mental attitude at school and at home.
Try reading this guided meditation on joy to yourself to find the rhythm before reading it aloud to your child. Once your child is relaxed, simply read it in a calm voice, pausing to let the words and feelings sink in.

Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take in a nice deep breath and send that breath all the way down to your tummy.
Once more now, and this time when we do it, we are going to send calm and relaxation all the way down to our toes. And when we exhale, let’s release any thoughts or stress we have stored anywhere in our bodies.
Now imagine walking outside in a beautiful place, where the sun shines warm. You are walking barefoot and the thick, long, green grass feels like a cozy bed beneath your feet. It tickles your ankles as you slowly stroll through it.
The sun shines brightly and wraps itself around you like a comforting, big hug. It warms your skin, kisses your forehead and makes your skin smell like sunshine and happiness.
A few steps ahead, you see a pond with a beautiful fountain. The fountain has four magical mermaids perfectly positioned on each corner. You hear the rush of the water. You notice that each moment you are here, your thoughts and worries fade farther and farther away – like a wave that is being pulled away from the shore, making its way back out into the vast ocean.
With your eyes closed, it’s almost as if you hear their laughter and joyfulness. Listen quietly and you can hear the sounds of happiness in your
own mind.
The mermaid tails are interlaced with each other around the fountain. They’re all here happily together in this sunny, breezy place.
Take in a deep breath and allow that sound of laughter and playfulness into every place in your body. It makes you feel so good and it brings a smile to your face.
Being here, relaxing in this place with no outside worries or thoughts, reminds you that whatever is going on in life, no matter what, that you can
close your eyes and tune into this inner happiness and laughter that we all have inside.
Inside of us, we each have a true connection to joy. It’s there for us at any time we choose to tune in. That joy is really part of who we are. It’s always at peace and it’s always happy just because we are alive and get to do so many amazing things every single day.
Be sure to take the time to tune into your inner joy and playfulness each day. Remember how the mermaids laugh and play. Remember that no matter what goes on in life that you can come here and feel this happiness and inner peace.
Say goodbye to the mermaids now and notice how they smile and wave, They hope to see you here again very soon.
Open your eyes when you’re ready. Give your body a nice stretch and let this happiness stay with you.
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