Guided Meditation: Setting Positive Intentions for the Day

A happy morning can lead to a happy day. Help your child set positive intentions for the day with this simple guided meditation script.

guided meditation to set morning positive intentions
This guided meditation script is copyrighted by ShambalaKids and may only be used for in-person or live virtual reading. It may not be recorded for audio or video.

Meditation has so many wonderful benefits for kids. By adding mindfulness to your child’s morning routine, you offer them tools to start the day with positive energy. This level of mindfulness can help kids process anxiety and experience less stress.

Many of our meditation scripts are ideal at bedtime to help your child unwind and get into deeper rest and repair. This one is best used in the morning. You can try it when your child first wakes up or even make it part of the morning routine like brushing their teeth.

While a kid-friendly script and a cozy spot are all you really need, a meditation toy can sometimes help remind and reinforce the lessons kids learn.

Be sure to read the script to yourself to get the pace. Then read it to your child in a slow, calm voice. Pause at the point where your child sets their intentions. They can say them out loud or in their mind. Follow their cues and encourage questions when you’re finished.

Setting Positive Intentions for the Day

Sit back and close your eyes. Adjust your body so it feels very comfortable. As you settle in quietly, notice how your body feels.

Notice the top of your head. Now notice your face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, your chin. Even notice how your tongue feels comfortably relaxed in your mouth.

Taking a deep breath now, feel your shoulders. Feel the area between your shoulder blades and in your back. As you do, allow your breath to go into these areas and relieve any tension or stress there.

Allow yourself to become more and more comfortable with each breath you take in. As you exhale, you exhale out any worries, any thoughts, anything other than total peace and relaxation. It feels so good just to be here, in this moment. 

Now, as you breathe in again, allow the relaxing breath to flow into your head, down into your heart where it picks up love, and then allow it to flow throughout the rest of your entire body.

You’re breathing in peace and relaxation. You are gathering love from your heart, and letting it flow into your entire body and into each and every cell, everywhere in your body. Imagine your entire body being filled with that love and peace and relaxation. It may even feel tingly as the peace and love radiates in every cell.

An amazing part of life is that we get to choose our mindset, our thoughts, and our intentions. We are in control of these things. We get to choose. 

As your body continues to relax and enjoy the peace, let’s focus on our inner world and thoughts.

We can set ourselves up for the best possible day, each and every day, by first creating an intention. An intention is what we most desire to happen. It’s what we intend or plan to happen, how we expect and want something to go.

It’s good to have intentions that benefit us and also the people around us. You can even think happy thoughts for the whole world.

Today we will practice setting positive intentions for the day. All you have to do is take a moment and imagine good things happening all day long. This is our intention for the day.

As you breathe in now, set the positive intention that today will be an amazing day, filled with laughter, fun, joy, learning new things, and whatever else you would love to experience today.

Take all the time you need to imagine and see this play out today. Really feel the feelings of joy, excitement, or accomplishment of what you want to happen today.


Now, repeat this affirmation in your mind: Good things are always happening.

From now on, you can begin each day by setting positive intentions. This sets up the day to be amazing and naturally brings a smile to our face.

When we truly intend good things, they usually happen – sometimes almost magically. See and feel yourself as happy and successful now as you focus on your intentions for this wonderful day.

Spend a few moments now, setting your intention for a wonderful day and then watch as it unfolds. Make it a habit to start expecting good things to happen for you and the people around you.

When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and start your wonderful day!

Wrapping Up + More Meditations

Now is a great time to discuss what your child felt during this positive intentions meditation.

Some more meditations your family might enjoy are:

Heart Brain Connection Meditation
Morning Meditation on Kindness
The Thankful Turtle Guided Imagery
Figure 8 Breathing Meditation
Guided Imagery: Secret Garden

Find the free printable PDF of this script and 50+ more guided meditation scripts when you subscribe below.

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