Guided Relaxation Meditation: Magic Carpet Ride
Just like a great book, children love a vivid meditation story at bedtime. This guided relaxation meditation is designed to help your child develop a sense of calm and self-confidence.
By inviting them to visualize a magical carpet ride, this meditation story encourages creativity and adventure while gently soothing their mind and body.

Guided meditations can be a wonderful tool for helping kids manage stress, improve focus, and foster emotional resilience. Whether it’s used to wind down before bedtime or as a peaceful break during a busy day, it’s an opportunity for your child to tap into their natural sense of wonder and relaxation.
All you need to do is set a quiet, comfortable space to read it aloud and let the magic unfold.
Magic Carpet Relaxation Story Script for Kids
Take in a deep breath and close your eyes. I’m going to count down from 5 to 1 and when I get to 1, your whole body will feel very heavy and deeply relaxed.
You will feel so relaxed that you will not even want to move… but just stay still and enjoy the wonderful relaxation that begins to flow into your body.
5 – Starting to feel the relaxation in your arms and legs
4 – Your legs are starting to feel heavy… your arms, too
3 – Heavier and heavier, and more relaxed and comfortable….
2 – More and more relaxed with each number I say
1 – Now your whole body is very heavy….
Now imagine a beautiful, colorful magic carpet underneath you. This magic carpet is rich with exquisite colors. Someone took great care and love in making this very special magical carpet just for you.
Reach down and touch the smooth texture of the brightly colored carpet. It’s so soft. Now, wrap your hands around the two tassels that hang down on the front corners. As you do, notice the tassels tighten up like handles… you feel perfectly safe.
The magic carpet starts off softly and slowly… making sure you feel safe and comfortable. The magic carpet gently sways and sweeps up now and makes you giggle with delight!
We’re ready for a gentle adventure!
It takes you up into the sky, higher and higher, up to the pillowy soft clouds. It feels wonderful to be here… feeling free and completely safe and relaxed.
Look down and see the beautiful green patches below you. The trees seem to wave up at you while the wind blows them gently back and forth. You see fields and houses that look quite tiny from all the way up here.
You begin to let go of any worries. Any problems or difficult thoughts seem to vanish. You leave them all far behind as you relax and enjoy your magical carpet ride.
Glide along with this carpet and know that you are in full control – going faster or perhaps slower, you choose.
You can ride the magical carpet for as long as you wish – floating above or gliding down to get a better look at anything you’d like to see. Being up above everything offers us something called perspective. It’s another way of seeing things when we aren’t too close to them.
From up here, maybe some of the problems you had don’t seem so serious or worrisome. They’re just tiny little things that are far away. They don’t have any real control over you because you can always transcend them with your powerful imagination.
(Pause to let your child feel the experience as long as they wish.)
When you’re ready to land, take in a deep breath and glide your magic carpet back down on the ground. Stop comfortably and very gently – bringing all the wonderful, happy feelings you have back with you.
Breathe in deeply and exhale fully.
You’ve done a fantastic job of using your imagination to create this magical guided relaxation meditation. And the great news is – you can go on this adventure again anytime you want with the power of your mind.
Check In With Your Child
If your child is still awake after this guided relaxation meditation, check in and see how they feel. Did any feelings or emotions come up? If so, gently talk through them.
If an adventure meditation gets your child too keyed up, you might want to try one of these:
Encouraging Self Love
Focus & Concentration
Calming Lakeside Meditation
Deep Relaxation
The Best Sleep Meditations for Kids
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