Visualizing the New Year Meditation
A new year brings a fresh start. It’s also the ideal time to use a guided meditation script for the new year to help your child set their intentions for the future.
Simply read this new year meditation script in a relaxing voice when your child is calm or ready to fall asleep. This is a fun one to try in late December or make a tradition for New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day to prepare for the upcoming year.

These guided meditation scripts for kids help children and teens relieve stress and anxiety, learn patience, improve self-esteem, enhance mental clarity, and develop a positive mental attitude at school and at home.
Setting Intentions for the New Year
Introducing a meditation practice is extremely beneficial to kids. They can learn to reframe their emotions, create good habits, and enjoy the present moment.
Through visualization and guided imagery, your child will focus on gratitude for the good parts of the current year and set positive intentions for the new year.
Read the script below to yourself first to find the right pacing. Then make sure your child is comfortable, and read the script aloud to them.
Follow your child’s cues. Stay relaxed, as you will set the tone for the meditation session. In the section where we let go anything we don’t want to carry into the next year, give your child plenty of time to do so. You might talk about those things, especially if anything stressful happened this year.
The same goes for the part about setting new intentions or goals for the new year. Share some of your own plans and ideas. You may use this one a few times over the holidays and into January.
New Year Meditation Script
Lie down and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath and let it fill your belly. Then release that breath and feel your body relax.
Sometimes it feels nice to breathe in and then make an “aaahhh” sound as you release the breath. That also signals to your body that it’s time to deeply relax.
You begin to feel warm and cozy inside even though the outside air has grown crisp. The trees have lost their leaves and have gone to sleep for the winter.
Imagine yourself curled up in front of a nice warm fireplace. You watch as the flames flicker yellow and red. The golden yellow flame seems to relax you even further as you enjoy the warmth and coziness.
As you lie here enjoying this moment of relaxation, you start to remember some wonderful things that have happened this past year. There have been many moments that have made you happy; many moments that have made you smile and grateful.
It’s been a good year.
You’ve grown on the outside and on the inside, too. You’re smarter and wiser. You know yourself better, and you’re getting to know your personal gifts more and more.
If there’s anything you wish to leave behind, take a moment to let that go now.
Now, breathe deeply. And when you let your breath out, just blow those things away.
The new year will bring a brand new start. Isn’t that exciting to think about?
Now is the time to think about all the amazing things you want to accomplish. Remember, you can achieve anything you put your mind to!
So, start to imagine all the wonderful things you’d like to do, learn, or be this coming year. Maybe you want to get better at something you enjoy doing, or perhaps learn a new skill.
Maybe you want to spend more time helping others.
Whatever you decide, you’ll have a wonderful goal to work toward each and every day.
Always remember to have faith in yourself and in your ability to accomplish your dreams. By using your heart and your mind together, you can create a fantastic year filled with joy, happiness, and fun!
Now take in a deep breath and imagine yourself at the end of the year having accomplished all these wonderful things you’ve been thinking about.
Take all the time you need to picture yourself just the way you dream or imagine. Picture yourself as having succeeded, and hold on tightly to that image in your mind and heart!
Doesn’t it feel wonderful?
Now allow peace and happiness to fill up your entire body, going into each and every cell.
When you’re ready you can open your eyes and give your body a big stretch… and be ready to live your dream!
Wrapping Up + More Guided Imagery Scripts
Now is a good time to talk about any plans or dreams your child thought of. Or maybe they want to keep it to themselves. That’s fine too.
A few others that might interest your child
Dancing Snowflakes
Meditation for Focus and Concentration
The Peaceful Butterfly
The Mindfulness Cabin (includes an adorable free printable)
Guided Imagery: Secret Garden
Another fun activity for the New Year is to set goals and create new family traditions. Find the free printable PDF of this script and 50+ more guided meditation scripts when you subscribe below.