Homemade Almond Milk & Creamer
For those of us who can’t enjoy coffee without milk or creamer, making your own from fresh almonds is surprisingly simple. This recipe is versatile, and you’ll love the fresh flavor over store-bought any day!
For many people with dairy allergies, almond milk is a healthy alternative to cow’s milk. This was the the only way we could enjoy coffee during our Whole30.
Tip: Hang onto the leftover pulp. It can be dried and run through a food processor to create almond flour.

- 2 cups raw almonds
- 4 cups water
- High powered blender
- Nutmilk bag or cheesecloth/single layer cloth napkin and a fine mesh strainer
- Large glass measuring cup
- Glass storage container s
- Soak raw almonds overnight with a pinch of sea salt.
- Rinse the almonds and place into the blender with the water (divide the nuts and use a total of 7 cups of water if you’d prefer almond milk)
- Pulse until finely pureed. Try not to blend so long as to heat the blender.
- Strain in a nutmilk bag or lined strainer and store!
- Fresh almond cream is delicious and will last for about a week in the fridge. Freeze into cubes for perfectly portioned coffee creamer or for use in recipes and a longer shelf-life.
- Separation is natural. Shake before using.
Tip: Hang onto the leftover pulp. It can be dried and run through food processor to create almond flour.