Kids’ Guided Meditation for Joy

Young children are naturally joyful. Is there anything better than the deep belly laugh of a toddler who cracks up at every goofy thing their sibling does?

As kids get older, that genuine joy can express itself a little less often thanks to the weight of the world or the judgment of others. This script is all about helping kids cultivate the feeling of joy. As you guide your child through this guided meditation for joy, you can help remind them how easy it is to find it and feel it – whenever they want.

joy meditation for kids
This meditation for joy script is copyrighted by ShambalaKids and may only be used
for in-person or live virtual reading. It may not be recorded for audio /video.

Guided meditation is one of the best ways to teach your child mindfulness from an early age. It can also help kids reduce anxiety, boost self confidence, deal with big emotions, and even sleep better. You can find our entire library of kid-friendly meditation scripts for free here.

Find a quiet place and encourage your child to get comfortable. Read this script in a calm voice at a slow, soothing pace. Pause often to let the words and images sink in, and always follow your child’s cues. You can stop if they want or spend a little more time in a section they enjoy.

Guided Meditation for Joy

Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take in a breath and fill up your tummy like a big balloon. Feel the air flowing into your nose, down your throat, and all the way down into your belly. 

Now exhale gently and fully. Let’s do that a few times until we feel very peaceful and light. Then continue breathing normally as we continue our joyful adventure.

Imagine yourself in a beautiful place now… a colorful flower garden of joy with bright blooms of magnificent color. It is calm, bright, and so beautiful here. It makes you very happy to be here right now enjoying this special space. 

The sun radiates down and warms your skin, and you hear tiny sparrows chirping as they flutter and play together in the branches of the trees. A cool breeze rustles the petals and leaves. You feel perfectly at ease here.

Breathe in deeply the various sweet smells coming from the many flowers of this garden. Each one has a different color and its own special scent. 

Now direct your attention to the soft green carpet of grass under your feet. It feels thick and lush. It cradles your bare feet and feels so wonderful as you step gently around the garden or lie down anywhere you like. 

You find there are so many things to be joyful about here. The simple parts of life often bring the most joy. Spend a little time and imagine the things that bring you joy.

Maybe it’s remembering a funny thing that happened with your sibling or a friend. Is there a time you can remember laughing so hard you couldn’t stop?

Maybe it’s baking with your grandma.

Maybe it’s watching your pet play with a toy a baby chick slowly hatching from its egg.

We can find joy everywhere we look. 

You can cultivate this joy inside your own heart space by simply focusing on the little things in life that make you smile and feel good inside. Living life itself is a big reason to be joyful. 

And even though everyone experiences challenges, we can move through the challenges knowing that we truly can be full of joy inside our own heart. You can radiate joy every day and affect others in a positive way by doing so. 

Grow that joy just by focusing on it and finding reasons to be happy everywhere. The more joy we radiate out into the world from our hearts, the more joy comes back to us. 

And any time life feels hard, you can pull up a feeling of joy to make it a little lighter. If you have trouble accessing joy, try to think of something funny or silly. That usually puts your mind in a space to feel happier and more free.

You matter and you’re important in this world. Always remember that. Always bring your inner joy with you wherever you go. 

Take a deep breath and open your eyes when you’re ready. Keep that sparkling feeling of joy with you through the rest of your day.

More Guided Meditations for Children

If your child loved this joy meditation, you can find our library of 50+ scripts at the signup below. They’re always free and you can download the ad-free PDFs to your phone or tablet or print them.

Or try these others to see how your child likes them:

Thankful Turtle Meditation
Understanding & Releasing Anger
The Mindfulness Cabin (includes an adorable free printable)
Guided Imagery: Secret Garden

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