Rainbow baby names that are full of beautiful meaning
Our children become a part of us before they are even born—before we ever feel a flutter or a kick. So when a person experiences pregnancy loss, it is truly that, a loss.
What is a Rainbow Baby?
A rainbow baby is a child which a person gives birth to after experiencing a pregnancy loss or multiple miscarriages. A rainbow forms after a storm; it is a symbol of hope in many cultures, a sign that there are better times to come. A rainbow baby is not a replacement for the child who was lost, but they have answered prayers of many hopeful parents. This is just one reason why parents of rainbow babies may look for a special name that embodies the long awaited joy that this child brings to their family.

Here are some of our favorite rainbow baby names, take a look:
Rainbow Baby Name Ideas
Aisling means “a hopeful dream” it is believed to refer to an “aisling”, which was a poetic genre that developed in Irish poetry during the 17th and 18th centuries. This beautiful rainbow baby name has also made its way onto our list of Pisces name ideas.
This name of Hebrew and biblical origins means “blessing” or “happy”.
A beautiful five-letter name, Ciana is Italian for “light”.
A unique moniker that is a favorite Spanish cultural name, Esperanza means “hopeful”. We love the idea of using Espe for short.
This British name is both unique and meaningful, Fane aptly means, “joyous”.
A sentimental name that is full of meaning for parents of a rainbow baby, Hope is a short and sweet four-letter choice.
Hebrew for “blessing”, Jesse is a gender neutral name idea that is classic and embodies the revered place this child will hold in your heart.
Hindu for “beam of light”, Kiran is a sentimental name choice that can symbolize the light that parents who have struggled throughout their pregnancy journey have waited for.
A classic name that means “gift from God”, this religious inspired name can also embody the miracle of life.
Short for Milagros, which means “miracle” in Spanish, many parents will see their rainbow baby as just that.
Of Italian and Catalan origins, Serena means “peaceful” and “serene”. This baby may bring a sense of peace along with them after a period of great loss.
A beautiful name full of symbolic meaning, Rainbow could also make our list of hippie name ideas.
A rainbow baby name that couldn’t be more fitting. Wish is unique and embodies just how wished for this child was.
Rainbow Baby Name Combinations
- Serena Wish: Truly a peaceful wish that has been granted.
- Asher Kiran: Your blessing, your beam of light.
- Esperanza Ciana: Hope and light.
- Fane Matthew: Unique and classic combination that will mean a joyous gift from God.
Pregnancy and infant loss is a tragedy. If you or someone you know has lost a child you may not know how to begin to extend sympathy or comfort. Here are some ways that you can try to help someone who has lost a baby.