How to Store Fruits and Vegetables So They Last Longer 

Ahhh… that hopeful feeling you get after buying fresh produce or picking up your weekly CSA goodies.

Ugh… the misery of finding unused, withered, moldy veggies in the crisper.


Whether you’re planning your weekly meals or getting prepared for power outages or emergencies, proper food storage is a useful skill.

When it comes to food storage, we try to avoid plastic. There are plenty of zero waste ways to use jars, reusable cloth bags, mesh bags, or glass or silicone containers.

Start With a Plan

One of the best ways to make sure you don’t waste food is to create a plan. Whether you’re a gardener who has to plan ahead for harvesting and preserving or just trying to keep yourself (and your family) fed for a week, a plan is essential.

How to Store Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Wash and Dry Thoroughly

Rinse foods carefully to make sure there is no dirt, mud, or other plants and bugs in the bundle.

Decide Where to Store

Tomatoes Keep tomatoes on the counter. A counter near a window is an ideal spot so they can ripen to perfection in the sunlight.

SWIPE UP FOR MORE On Fruit & Vegetable Storage